Мультимедиа-студия 'Март'

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Студия начала работать в жанре музейного мультимедиа почти пятнадцать лет назад. Первым опытом был совместный проект со Школьным отделом Государственного Эрмитажа. С тех пор мы сотрудничали с самыми разными музеями: художественными, историческими, мемориальными, естественнонаучными… Эти музеи находятся не только в Петербурге и Москве, но и в самых разных регионах России: от Архангельска до Якутска. И жанры мы опробовали самые разные: от компьютерного фильма до познавательной игры. Приглашаем познакомиться с историей некоторых музейных проектов и посмотреть фрагменты программ.

Can a museum be interesting? What a peculiar question: the answer is, or should be, obvious. Let us put the question another way: can any and every museum be interesting? Here, maybe, someone may have doubts, and say: it all depends on what kind of guide you have to show you round its rooms.

Every artistic masterpiece is a world with a history and a life of its own, its own inner essence, which cannot always be comprehended at first glance – far from it. Every artist puts a small part of his soul into his creation; it is the fruit of thought, of a search for ideas and for the means to realise them, of his emotional state. In order to understand what it is that the artist wanted to say, one must enter into a personal dialogue with the picture; one must attempt to discern – behind and beyond the picture’s subject, its composition and its colours – the message left by the master for us who come after him.

Nowadays any display of exhibits in electronic form is often referred to as a “virtual museum” or “virtual exhibition”. We will not enter into a dispute here whether this is correct or not. But the subject of our discussion is those museums which do not exist in “real space”, whose collections can only be viewed in virtual form – via electronic publishing, or via the Internet.